Newly Released Energy Savings Calculator
The Professional Awning Manufacturers Association (PAMA), a division of the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) is pleased to introduce a web-based application (app) that calculates the energy savings for residential and commercial awning products. This is an exclusive member benefit that is brought to you by the PAMA division.
“This was a labor of love and a lot of hard work went into the development of this app.” said Barry Adams, Owner, Peachtree Awnings/Tennessee Awnings and PAMA’s Past Chairman.
The new Energy Savings Calculator web-based app was designed to allow users to input a scope of awning specifications to obtain the total dollars in energy savings when incorporating awning products.
“The app is very easy to use, and I was able to input the information in less than 5 minutes,” said Tim Kellogg, President, Capital City Awning and PAMA Chairman.
How it works is the user goes to the webpage to input information. Upon arrival, they find specifications and results columns. Under the specifications column, the user is prompted to provide inputs into four cards: location, window, shading and cooling and heating. The user goes through a step-by-step process to put information into accordion fields. As the user completes each step, they get a green check mark alerting them to move on to the next step. The app also features information icons that guide the user to input the correct information.
“I recently had an opportunity to use the Energy Savings Calculator for a large recover project (75 recovers) for a retirement community. The on-site management was on board prior; however, the upper management/board of directors was not. With the advantage of discussing the cost savings of keeping the awnings and recovering them versus removing all of them, I was able to convince the upper management to proceed on the project,” wrote James Dillport, General Manager, Maple Leaf Awning and Canvas and PAMA Board member.
As with any new app development, the PAMA board encourages PAMA’s members to log into the website at any time to use it and send us your feedback. You can find the app on the PAMA website under the Resources tab at
“The PAMA board also extends thanks and appreciation to Bill McSpadden, Owner, Capitol Awning and Shadecaster and ATA/PAMA member, who was really the inspiration behind the Energy Savings Calculator and a force to push it to its completion,” said Chairman Kellogg.
About ATA
Advanced Textiles Association is a member-owned, member-driven trade association representing the global industrial fabrics industry since 1912. ATA provides members with relevant information, sourcing solutions and networking opportunities to sustain and grow their business. For more information visit