Tips for navigating social media madness
“Post with a purpose,” says Sam Armijos of Fabric Architect LLC. “Understand that you’ll be wasting someone else’s time if you don’t have a purpose for posting.” Armijos presented a campfire session on “Social Media Madness” during IFAI Expo 2017 in New Orleans, La.
Armijos shared some tips and tricks to help navigate social media madness:
- Start small (Take one social media platform and start with a simple task like posting a picture.)
- Start smart (Share more information about yourself rather than product information.)
- Be careful (Boasting too much can sound like a sales pitch.)
- Think long term (Know that what you post won’t be going away anytime soon.)
- Avoid “roasting” (Also known as cyberbullying.)
- Content matters (Keep things interesting.)
- Stay out of politics (It could come back to haunt you.)
- Watch your language
- Remember to have fun!