Automated design/cutting

Published On: October 1, 2014

Enhanced appearances and time saved.

New turnkey solution from Autometrix facilitates the automation of awning design and cutting; new bundled package includes Eclipse 3D exclusive awning design software used to create dome, waterfall and traditional awnings with features for strip alignment and adding custom valances. The software exports a flattened pattern to the cutter, reducing total awning design-and-cut time to less than 10 minutes. Three models are available, offering varying cut speeds and throughput, depending upon individual needs. A complete vacuum table is included with vacuum pump for material hold, and delivers plotting, notching and cutting abilities. Machines handle Sunbrella®, marine canvas, vinyl and many other fabrics.

SOURCE Autometrix Inc., Grass Valley, Calif., U.S.A.
+1 530 447 5065