Fabric display system provides interactive experience

Published On: May 1, 2011

Marketing people dread a trade show’s second day, when potential customers browsing the exhibit hall have seen the display, collected the brochures and become immune to the “wow” factor. Moss Inc., Chicago, Ill., keeps the show going with EZ Engage, an interactive fabric display system that contains a monitor, electronics, computer and eight sensors in a wall three inches thick. Users select from eight media files by waving a hand in front of a sensor to select video about a specific product, service or feature. Its sleek look and flexibility won EZ Engage an Exhibitor Magazine Product Design Award in 2010.

EZ Engage, part of Moss’ EZ Fabric Wall System line, features LED-lit proximity sensors that light up to show users what video has been selected—information about multiple products, demonstrations or testimonials from satisfied customers, for example. The system is lightweight, modular, great for fabric graphics and available for either purchase or rental.