Catching cold with door blankets

Published On: April 1, 2011

Snow storms, ice storms and high winds disrupted power systems for 1,000,000 person/customer hours four times in the U.S. in 2010—and that was the count before megastorms hit the Midwest and Northeast with blizzards and the South with tornados in December. When businesses depend on keeping products cold or frozen, a prolonged power outage can spell disaster. Zoneworks®, Milwaukee, Wisc., a manufacturer of custom-designed fabric wall products, offers a quick, affordable fix when freezer or cooler doors break down or won’t work during a power outage. The Zoneworks Door Blanket eliminates air exchange at the open door, maintaining temperatures with durable fire-retardant vinyl fabric surrounding layers of antimicrobial, recyclable polyester batting.

The Door Blanket installs with grommets, Velcro™, magnetic hems or industrial cables, preserving cooler or freezer integrity during power outages, storm damage or mechanical breakdown. It comes in a portable storage bag and deploys rapidly to protect food, medication or other products from spoilage, while staving off energy losses. Integrating the Door Blanket into emergency plans may keep businesses with temperature-sensitive products from a big chill.