Various resources help keep companies in touch

Published On: January 1, 2009

We’re looking for a company that we used to buy fabric from, but the phone number is no longer in service. Is there a way to find out if they’re still in business?

Area codes for telephone numbers sometimes change, so that’s usually the first thing to check. Your telephone service provider should be able to help you with that. If it’s not a case of an old phone number, then checking with an industry association is always a good idea, since suppliers frequently belong to associations both to get their name out to their industry and as a way to support it. If you know the location of the company, you can contact the state you last knew it was located in. Companies are supposed to notify their states when they go in and out of business, and many states in the U.S. have this information online. How the information is available varies by state, although it’s often with the Secretary of State or a corporations office. You should be aware that sometimes there is a fee involved in accessing the information. When in doubt, check with the reference desk at your local public library. The librarian should be able to assist or refer you to other business databases that may be of assistance.

Juli Case is ATA’s information and technical services manager.