Are you a self proclaimed “not techy person” who finds yourself more frustrated by technology every day? Do you know there are probably ways to make it easier, but perhaps you’re too embarrassed to ask? In this session, Karen Gordon will cover the very basics in terms of tools you need to know about, shortcuts to help you move faster, and tricks to make your computer run faster. We’ll talk about what basic tech tools are worth investing in (a second monitor! I swear!) and what free tools make your life way easier. You’ll leave feeling less overwhelmed and intimidated and more inspired to embrace the tools that will undoubtedly make your life easier.

Attendees of this session will walk away with:
-A clear shopping list of what you need (and what you don’t!)
-Easy tricks to make your technology run faster and you run faster when using it
-A better sense of confidence in facing new and existing tools


Speaker: Karen Gordon
